Create an Event

Host an event on August 19th at the office of your Member of Congress to tell them to seal the deal on the infrastructure bill, and pass the biggest and boldest climate and care infrastructure bill in history. We can fund climate solutions, grow the care economy, fight inequality, and create green jobs. Sign up to host an event, and you'll get support from our organizing team to make it a success! Check out our organizing toolkit for hosts.

Recommended name for your event: 
Rally to #SealTheDeal for Climate, Jobs, Care and Justice: [City, State]

    Your Information

      Not ? Click here.

      Event Information


      Event Location

      NOTE: Event addresses are public.
      Double-check date, time, and location before you submit!

      Event Description

      Event Rules

      Please make sure you follow COVID-19 safety protocols. Following are some recommendations:

      • Follow local ordinances
      • Wear masks, promote social distancing, and keep events outdoors when possible
      • Communicate with event attendees about safety measures

      You're all set!